• Family house in Záhorská Bystrica

    Family house in Záhorská Bystrica

    House located on an amply-sized lot in Záhorská Bystrica.

House location, concept, and garden

This house design was initiated by discussion and work on a concept in the studio. The house is located on an amply-sized lot. The design imagined a vision of a house in a park, where the line between the interior and exterior are blurred. We have studied the themes of contemporary garden design carefully. We created recesses, or micro spaces, in the design - in the garden, on the covered terrace, and inside the home.

The garden comprises a communal aspect, a private garden which is part of the bedrooms with a very intimate character (suitable for quiet, meditative moments), a gazebo shaded by trees, pool area, and main ornamental garden. Trees separate the outside world from the garden, deepen privacy, and also provide an artistic backdrop to the view from inside the house.

385 m2



months design

385 m2



months design

Home Layout

„From the outset, within the context of the architecture of the house, garden and interior, there was to be one harmonious whole, which is to be understood comprehensively.“

The home is functionally divided into three parts: day area, night area, and office/work area. The first two share a significant overlap with the house exterior. The terrace, which is the main connecting element of the indoor and outdoor space, is completely covered by bioclimatic pergolas. These lend a high degree of flexibility in how much sun they allow in to this attractive space, depending on the home's time zone. As their slogan states, they can be positioned to any angle. When fully unfolded, they create a full roof over the terrace that protects against rain and snow..

Rodinný dom v Záhorskej Bystrici
Rodinný dom v Záhorskej Bystrici

The entrance to the home is from the northeast side, and the vestibule is located centrally to all three living spaces. A privacy wall emerges as you enter that smoothly transitions from interior to exterior, and proceeds to the residential terrace leading to a wall with a grill. This outdoor kitchen is located with proximity to the indoor kitchen to enable practical functionality.

  • Pôdorys 1.NP


    • Entrance and hallway
    • Wardrobe
    • Toilet
    • Kitchen with dining room
    • Living room
    • Bathroom
    • Children's room
    • Children's room
    • Master bedroom
    • Bedroom
    • Workroom
    • Garage
    • Terrace with pool

The entire day interior is fully connected to the residential terrace, and leads through to the garden via large full-height windows. The dominant feature amidst this expansive area is a large fireplace. Though this day space is interconnected, each zone (kitchen, dining and living room) is precisely defined.

Bedroom space is located in the house’s second wing. The master bedroom has a master bath with a wardrobe at its furthest part. The bedroom area corridor is illuminated on one side by a glass wall facing into the private atrium part of the garden. There are also two children’s bedrooms complete with en-suite bathrooms.

Rodinný dom v Záhorskej Bystrici
Rodinný dom v Záhorskej Bystrici

Materials and Material Solutions for interior and exterior

With this home, we worked with three simple yet proven materials: wood, exposed concrete, and white plaster. With respect to the garden, the material is divided into bedroom area and residential terrace, and is architecturally interconnected to the home. This creates a pleasant contrast of open architecture to the snug, enclosed bedroom space. Behind this open living terrace, the house day area is displayed in colour and muted materials.

As seen from the street, however, the facade is full, white and artistic. Seen from this side, the home's presence is minimal and harmonious with respect to the environment. The entire home is dynamically portrayed through sloping walls that connect to the window openings. In creating a design, for us the prominent theme is always to have honest and thoughtful detail. We work in context and flesh out a design down to the smallest detail, where even the finest touches have a place.

Rodinný dom v Záhorskej Bystrici

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  • Archstyl architects
  • Černyševského 26
  • 851 01 Bratislava
